- Enhances journaling experience especially for writers
- Great option as diary and day planner
- Handmade leather notebook cover
- Hand stitched
- Comes with Fleur-de-lis logo
- Standard A6 refillable notebook
- 2 pockets on each side for folded cash or credit/debit cards
- Size: 11.5 cm x 16 cm
Make Your Notebook Stand Out
Looking for a diary or planner? If you love writing that much this journal notebook would be perfect for your needs. Thinking of what to give your friends who love writing? This journal notebook will fit the bill to a T. The good news is that on top of being made out of leather you got to refill the pages using A6 refills. This means being given the chance to write down for hours on hours. Experience the joy of writing by buying this journal notebook today.
Personalized Leather Notebook Holder
Are you aware that the Fleur-De-Lis symbol represents not just French Royalty but, also means perfection, light and life? During ancient times, this was viewed as a symbol of purity. There was a time when even the church adopted this symbol to represent the Virgin Mary. No wonder royal families began adopting it and incorporating this on their family shield or logo. If you love to create a fashion statement or stick on using accessories that mean something you will definitely like this journal notebook. For one, it is made of leather, plus carries a lot of special features. Your style speaks volumes of who you are as a person. Bring your vision to life by showing who you are. This journal notebook can be a great gift for promoting your brand if you are in business that is. Fleur-De-Lis stands for new times, new era and sacredness. Adopting this in your notebook will mean you are the bearer of a promise to change and good news. This may sound cheesy but, this symbol means that you are one of the enlightened ones.
Personalized Leather Notebook Holder
- Durable leather cover
- Memorable Notebook design
- Hand stitched binding
- Journal, diary and appointment notebook
- Extra pockets to hold other items like credit cards, IDs and cash
- Option to go personalize not just with this Fleur-De-Lis. You can add some logo or name on it
- Great marketing strategy if you want your brand to get instant recall
- Right budget for you even with some add-ons per your request
- Create a custom notebook that goes with your sense of style
- Refillable notebook using A6
- Option to personalize with logo or name initials
- Expedited shipping via FEDEX
- Can be given as gifts
It is not surprising that the Fleur-de-Lis symbol has reached other continents of the world and was adopted as a logo as well. Of course, due to personal preferences there are different versions of it. Even jewel designs and other pieces of clothing have this emblem embossed or engraved on it. It would be a good idea to adopt it as well. Have you ever wondered why some coffee shop baristas place this on top of your coffee foam? They use it for aesthetic purposes but, failed to know what it means. Allow the fleur-de-lis symbol remind you to clean and release the negative programming that you might have within you. Peace begins with you and there is something liberating about being somebody where peace begins. If this impresses you the next best thing that you need to do is to place an order for a leather journal notebook. Looking for an awesome journal notebook? This leather bound one fits the bill perfectly. All that you need to do is to choose what kind of logo or name to use and receive your journal notebook after a few weeks time right at your doorstep.