A wallet is considered as one of the essentials that every person must have. It is necessary because aside from money, it can also carry almost all of our important personal belongings such as IDs, documents, cards, and other handy items. While leather wallets are considered to be long-lasting compared to other synthetic material wallets, you may not be aware of how to clean your leather wallet properly.
Properly cleaning your leather wallet helps to prolong the use and life of it. With that, here are some tips on how to clean your leather wallet:
Is a Leather Cleaner Safe and Effective?
There are a lot of leather cleaners that can be bought commercially. These types of cleaning solutions are effective and can help in cleaning the inside and the outside of the wallet.
Leather cleaners are also safer to use because it guarantees that the chemicals used are safe and will not affect the quality of the leather.
Before doing so, you must first empty your wallet. Then, apply the cleaning solution on a piece of cloth that you will use and create foam by massaging it to the leather. Let the cleaner solution submerge in the leather for 30 seconds to 1 minute before continuing to help it be more effective.
The next step is to scrub the leather wallet with a stiff-bristled toothbrush. Move the toothbrush in small circles to inject the cleaner into the leather wrinkles. Continue to scrub the cleaner until foam forms in your wallet.
Upon finishing scrubbing your wallet, use a clean cloth to wipe and remove the residues from the cleaner. Just keep in mind to be gentle while wiping the cleaner to avoid any damage to your wallet.
Lastly, airdry the wallet overnight and leave it off direct sunlight. Just let it dry for at least 10 hours or more for it to dry completely. You can put back your items inside once the wallet is dry and you can use it again.
The Basics on How to Clean Your Leather Wallet
The basic cleaning procedure can also be used just by using materials that can be found at home. Materials such as distilled water, soft cloth, body or facial soap, white vinegar, dry sponge, and oil-based conditioner are the ones needed for this procedure.
First, you can use soap and olive oil or white vinegar and put it in the cloth. It is important to apply the mixture little by little to avoid tarnishing the leather especially when you’re not aware of what quality of leather you’re using.
If everything looks well, you can put all of the mixtures to the wallet and start wiping it using a towel until you’re able to remove of all the stains.
Before rinsing it, always keep in mind to not get the wallet too wet since leathers are not water-resistant. For the final touches, use a new towel to dry the wallet then you can use olive-oil or any leather friendly moisturizer to polish its surfaces.
Deep Cleaning of Your Leather Wallet
To start this process, you must first wipe the leather with a clean cloth that’s been soaked in warm water. Wipe away any extra dirt or dust in every area of your wallet so that once you continue using the soap you can get a deep clean.
Upon doing this, just make sure that you won’t leave any water on the wallet since it may cause the leather to crack.
Then, use saddle soap and rub a little amount of it onto a towel. This kind of soap is used to clean any kind of leather. After applying the soap, gently wipe the parts of the leather where the wrinkles are.
Dirt will lift onto the cloth as you keep on rubbing the soap to your wallet. Just continue doing these steps until you no longer see any residue coming up.
After, clean the deep stains in a circular motion using a cotton bud. Rub the end of it in the saddle soap then apply it in a tight circular motion. Wipe it off with a clean cloth after you have worked the soap into the leather.
The last step is to lay your wallet onto a larger towel than it is. Make sure the wallet is fully covered by folding the towel sides around the wallet. Slightly press the towel to absorb some water and then allow it to dry in a cool area for 10 hours.
How to Clean Your Leather Wallet: Removing Stains
There are different methods and materials for removing stains in your leather wallet. The procedure varies from what kind of stain you want to remove.
Ink Stain
For ink stain, you can use either a nail polish remover or rubbing alcohol. These household essentials can successfully eliminate ink marks, but you must also be extra careful as they can also remove the color of the leather.
First, put the acetone or the rubbing alcohol into the cotton ball and gently smudge the stain. Continue to rub it until the stain dissolves but also refrain from rubbing it too much so that the ink does not spread.
The method of using alcohol can cause dryness to the leather, so make sure that a leather conditioner is applied as the wallet dries.
Oil and Grease Stains
Using a towel, add some baking soda or cornstarch to do away with grease and oil stains. Then, soak the mixture in the wallet for several hours or even overnight. This mixture helps to absorb the oil stains from the leather.
Finally, brush the powder residues with a soft fabric. If there are still some stains left, you can just repeat these steps until all the stains are removed. Then apply conditioner.
Final Thoughts
So after reading all these helpful tips, you must remember that it’s important to clean your leather wallet so that you may use it for longer purposes and it may improve the quality even more.
Perhaps the regularity with which you need to clean your leather wallet depends on how often you use it. The more it gets stained or dirty, the more cleaning it will need.
We hope that our simple tips on how to clean your leather wallet help. As you choose your best leather wallet, keep that in mind that taking care of it is a must.